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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 15, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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from cnn center, this is cnn "saturday morning." i'm randi kaye. the mine behind the mayhem hitting the muslim world. the film maker who made the movie mocking muhammud voluntarily talks with authorities. the duchess of cambridge topless. another magazine promises to show more of kate wearing less than the palace ever wanted you to see. the latest back and forth over breast-feeding. this professor nursed her child in front of her class. was the teacher inappropriate or
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are her critics just insensitive? first to the anti-american outrage, now linked to the deaths of marines and afghanistan. more on that in just a moment. the anti-u.s. anger has reached as far as australia. protesters carried signs saying obama, obama, we like osama as they rallied in front of the u.s. consulate in front of sydney today. haters of america have defiled the stars and stripes, broken on to a diplomatic property and clashed with police. in tunisia, two protesters died friday. the death toll is expected to climb. in sudan, british and german embassies are tightening security after attacks there. and in afghanistan this is the second day protesters burned
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obama in effigy. two u.s. marines are dead. officials say 20 armed terrorists infiltrated the base perimeter of the british military complex last month. anna, the taliban have claimed responsibility for this attack. tell us exactly what happened. >> reporter: we are getting confirmation that two marines, as you mentioned in your introduction, have died. several were wounded when 20 insurgents attacked the camp. this is taliban heartland. now they used small weapons, rocket propelled grenades, as well as suicide ied vests to infiltra infiltrate. this is a heavily fortified base, some 20,000 nato troops are stationed down there. prince harry is among them. this is a place that they shouldn't be able to penetrate,
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that being the insurgency. they managed to get through. they managed to attack aircraft. they managed to attack structures as well on the airfield. all the insurgents were killed bar one. and that taliban member is now under custody. that's the late that's we're hearing. >> are officials connecting this attack to the film on profphet muhammud at all? >> reporter: we spoke to a taliban representative and he said it is in direct relation to this video, this insulting video to muslims. there are other spokes people that say prince marry is the tie-in, saying they will do anything they can to kidnap or kill prince harry. but at the end of the day, this
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is a war zone and the taliban will use any opportunity to wage war and wage attacks. it is worth mentioning just before we go that there was another attack, this time two soldiers, two nato soldiers were killed. that takes the death toll this year to 47. this is really quite frightening. this is afghan troops turning on coalition soldiers who are training them, training them for the transition that will be taking place in 2014. if we look at what happened overnight, if that is what the taliban can do to a heavily fortified nato base, what hope do afghan forces have once foreign forces leave here in 2014? >> yeah, you have to wonder what that picture is going to look like. anna, thank you. and the man behind the movie fermenting hatred of the u.s. has just been released this morning. nakoula basseley nakoula is not under arrest here, but under escort after answering federal investigators' questions.
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they say he made out muhammud as a womanizer, a child molester and an idiot. let's take you to cnn's miguel marquez in los angeles. tell me what kind of legal trouble, if any, is nakoula in? >> well, it's not entirely clear. he was convicted in 2010 of fraud and identity theft. he was sentenced to a year in prison and five years probation, supervised probation. one of the things in that probation order is that he is not supposed to use any devices that could contact the internet or get online. because of his activities in the last several days, u.s. courts have opened up an investigation into his case to review everything. they wanted to bring him in to talk to a probation officer last night. and that's when l.a. county sheriff's detectives did. we have a bit more now on his probation -- the probation case
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against him. >> federal officials say the court is reviewing nakoula basseley nakoula's case to see if he broke terms of his probation. nakoula faced 26 conditions for five years of supervised probation after his 2010 conviction for credit card fraud and identity theft. most glaring, the now infamous film maker was rred from using any devices that could access the internet except those approved by his probation officer. he was also ordered to pay nearly $800,000. >> what kind of man do you think nakoula is? >> nakoula is a very smart man and will do anything for money or for fame. >> reporter: the man i spoke to said he was a victim of nakoula's fraud. he would only talk to us on the phone. like many coptic christians, he now lives in fear. >> the coptic community is very afraid because of what muslims
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do when somebody tries to -- >> nakoula made his film with well-known individuals. the president of media for christ, who also runs a satellite tv station station in l.a., obtained the permit for the film and allowed part of it to be shot in his studio. >> he killed my people. >> reporter: he also has ties to steve cline, the anti-islamic consultant of the film. he also speaks at events. >> my country is conquered by islam right now. >> the irony right now, a film targeting the prophet of one faith is endangering the people of another. >> and now back live with miguel marquez. so how long will it take do you think for authorities to actually figure out if nakoula has violated his probation? >> yeah, there's no timeline on these things, but the next step would be a hearing, and those things do have to occur.
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if he is taken into custody, that would have to occur very quickly. he is not in custody at the moment as far as we know or confined to his house. perhaps they put an ankle bracelet on him. we don't know any of those answers yet. we've certainly requested answers to some of those questions. but it will have to wait and see. it's the weekend, obviously. the courts don't probably move that fast, but there may be a heari ining -- probation hearin his future. or if they would change the terms of his probation. >> miguel marquez with the latest for us from los angeles. thank you. fbi investigators are expected in libya today to investigate the attacks on the u.s. embassy. the u.s. ambassador and three other americans were killed. cnn intelligence correspondent suzanne kelly is following the developments for us from washington. what did the u.s. intelligence agencies know and when did they know it? >> it's great to look back now in retrospect and take a look at
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soom some of the clues that were there. one of the things they knew was that these groups were present in benghazi, they were well-organized, they have an infrastructure to them. they also knew of the presence of al qaeda sympathizers in the area, pockets of sympathizers. they also knew -- and we found this out from an intelligence source, there was an intelligence cable 48 hours before this attack took place that warned about the presence of this anti-muslim film on the internet. not only that, but that they had seen an up tick in the traffic visiting that site, that obviously this is a sign that this is gaining more popularity. cnn also found out that they had further indications that parts of this film were shown on egyptian television. that was according to an fbi memo that cnn was able to get a hold of. so all the clues were sort of there. now piecing them together was a different story. u.s. sources have told us, intelligence sources, that there was no actionable intelligence. as a matter of fact, the administration has been very open about coming out and saying
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that. so some clues were there, pulling them all together is a tough thing to do. >> something else they're trying to figure out is whether or not this attack was planned. libyan officials have told us that they believe it was. why the confusion out of washington? >> you know, i think really this is one of those things that comes down to the details of the language and nuance. but you're right, people were all over the place in washington this week as to whether it was planned, wasn't planned. libyan officials weighed in. take a look at just a small sample of what we heard. >> we have no information to suggest that it was a pre-planned attack. >> this was a calculated act of terror on the part of a small group of jihadists. >> i think what happened here was it gets down to the language of what was actionable intelligence, meaning what did the intelligence agencies actually know was going on? i mean, they do have intelligence coming out of there. they've got human intelligence, signals intelligence,
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intercepting phone calls, communications. what did they know ahead of time? they're saying they didn't have any indication this was being planned. that's not the same thing as saying that this wasn't planned. it just means they probably didn't know about it. these groups got together and talked about taking advantage of that -- that's a different story. that's what fbi officials are trying to uncover. >> thank you for the update. a solemn homecoming, the remains of four americans killed this week in the attacks on the u.s. consulate in libya were returned to u.s. soil. teams of seven marines carried the caskets of chris stevens, tyrone woods, glen dougherty, and sean smith. the four were honored in a ceremony attended by president barack obama and secretary of state hillary clinton. we've learned much about u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens. now we're learning more about the three other america who died in the consulate attack there in benghazi. ambassador stephens, tyrone woods, glen dougherty and sean smith were all united in their
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affection for the middle east and the people there. chris stevens fell in love with the middle east when he served as a volunteer in the peace corps. he's been praised as a great friend of libya and served as a liaison to the rebels who overthrew moammar gadhafi. tyrone woods was a paramedic and a registered nurse. his third child was born just a few months ago. glen dougherty was a ski instructor and raf guide in utah before becoming a navy seal. he planned to leave the military after knee surgery in 2001 but that changed with the 9/11 attacks. he also served on the advisory board of the military religious freedom coalition. sean smith was a computer expert but also had an alter ego of the computer game eve online. smith was online tuesday night reporting gunfire. he disconnected and never returned. a strong storm is taking aim at japan.
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a fierce typhoon is barreling toward japan today. tropical cyclone sanba has winds
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of 144 miles per hour. it is heading to the island of okinawa where more than 25,000 u.s. troops are based. the storm is expected to then turn to south korea and weaken as it moves farther north. we'll be tracking it. now damascus and syria. bashar al assad said he's committed to resolving the crisis. a week of no school for hundreds of thousands of students in chicago. their teachers have been on strike over pay and teacher evaluations. now, both sides are talking about some progress and a framework for a deal. kyhug lah has the latest. >> a deal that could put the teachers back in the classroom as soon as monday. a teachers union is saying not so fast, a strike is still in place, it is not over. they want to make sure they see
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the language of this deal. we are a lot closer to the end than we were before and more optimism being expressed on all sides. now that there is a frame work toward an agreement in place. >> a framework is one thing. we think it's a framework that can get us to an agreement but we are not quite there. >> i am pleased to tell you that we have in place frameworks around all of the major issues that should allow us to complete this process and to conclude it in time for our kids to be back in school on monday morning. >> there's got to be compromise, regardless. if it's a compromise that we can live with, i want to go back to work on monday. >> a source with detailed knowledge of the negotiation does tell cnn that there are some details that they do want to share. what we do know is that the classroom time will remain the same. principals will have a little more freedom as far as hiring
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teachers. as far as the big sticking point, the teacher evaluations, here in chicago they will change for the very first time in 40 years according to that source. this is not a done deal yet. a delegation of teachers still has to agree, thohas to vote on this. that vote could happen as soon as sunday. the bodies of four americans killed at the u.s. consulate are now back on u.s. soil. we go inside the place where their lives were taken and reveal the latest details on how they died.
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the bodies of four americans killed in libya have been sent to dover air force base. they will be transferred to the final reunion with their families. it's been four days since the men lost their lives in the u.s. consulate in benghazi. we have cnn's most complete picture yet of the violence that night and the warnings that came days before.
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>> reporter: amid the ash, soot, and debris, remnants of a life that was, and what it meant to those stationed here. traces of bloodstained libyan officials say tuesday night's attack was planned by islamist militants and quickly overwhelmed the libyan and american guards. the compound's first his guarde chaos, smoke, and darkness, died of smoke inhalation. what we're being told is that the ambassador's security detail brought him into this location, shutting the door, trying to ensure his safety. and then we are being told that when the situation finally calmed down, the ambassador's body was then taken out through this window by a group of libyans. our consulate staff were evacuated to what was supposed to be a safe house, but then it
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too was targeted. that's where two more americans died. libya's government has vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice, but the country's president touring the site admitted that would be difficult. >> we'll do our utmost, whether we succeed or not, god help us, but we expect help from our friends. >> currently, you're not capable. currently, you cannot control these groups, currently? >> you are not far from the truth. >> the question is whether the united states underestimated the threat from hostile groups here. one libyan security official told me that he met with american officials in benghazi three days before the attack took place. he says he warned them not for the first time that security in benghazi was deteriorating. he said "we told the americans the situation was frightening. it scares us." the ambassador too seems to have
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been aware of the general threat from islamist militants but no one anticipated the terrible violence that would take his life and the life of three other americans on tuesday night. as protests sweep across the world, a former marine says it's not just in retaliation for a movie mocking the prophet muhammud. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we have seen protesters holding the signs angry at the amateur film that mocked islam's prophet muhammad, saying things like we condemn american animosity against our prophet. protests like this one in pakistan were mostly peaceful. but many more were not. people were seen throwing rocks and molotov cocktails and setting buildings on fire. as the protests continue into the fifth day, one can't help but wonder, is this really all about a little known movie that insults islam, or is it a broader anti-u.s. sentiment led by radical militants that are set on attacking the u.s. on the phone with usnow, richard brewer, he's a retired u.s. embassy guard and u.s. marine. he was disabled when a truck bomb exploded while he was
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protecting the u.s. embassy in beirut in 1984. good morning, rich. let me ask about what's happening there. we've been seeing the pictures coming in. the video is really remarkable. what do you think is really turning people to violence? >> well, i think now it tends to be the hype of the video. i think initially when the attacks on the cairo embassy and the coordinated attack on the consulate in libya against our four personnel there, it was a coordinated attack, something i will characterize as a terrorist attack. what we're seeing spread throughout the 20-some-odd different countries now and even into southeast asia i think is the hype that has become the video. but initially what sparked it, you know, we had the 9/11 anniversary. we've had increased drone
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attacks. and some sort of reprisal for 9/11 and the war that we've had on al qaeda for the last 11 years. >> there's a lot of talk in recent days about the level of security at the embassy. how can we better protect our embassies? >> i think in the situation that we've had with the arab spring, i think one of the things we should have done prior to this is deploy the fast teams. they're designed just for these sort of situations where we look at the security on the ground and say the additional security is needed. these troops can be deployed, obviously, as they have been here through the air quickly. helicoptered in if they need be. or they can be done quietly through airports using regular civilian clothing, and that sort of thing. so we could have done it very quietly, no media blitz or anything like that and could
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have had them in place to help prevent the breaches. the trick is that again, our main focus is the protection of u.s. personnel and classified documents. so breaching the exterior walls, although very hard for an american to see the flag come down and be burned, that's not our immediate concern. our immediate concern are the personnel and the classified documents inside the embassy building itself. not the courtyard. >> that was retired u.s. embassy guard and u.s. marine rich brewer talking with us earlier this morning. top stories now. federal authorities questioned the man they say made the movie sparking muslim outrage across the world. nakoula basseley nakoula was under officer escort in california after leaving the interview this morning, investigators are trying to figure out if he violated his probation from a fraud conviction. unconstitutional. that's the ruling of a wisconsin judge on key portions of the
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state's law restricting the collective bargaining rights of many public employees. protesters descended on the state house last year to try and stop the measure from passing. yesterday, a circa court judge ruled the law va lates employees' free speech and membership rights protected by the state of wisconsin and the u.s. constitution. today pope ben direct addressed christians in beirut. he said "i have come to lebanon as a pilgrim of peace, as a friend of god and as a friend of men" and the pontiff held up lebanon as a model for religious co-existence where christians and muslims have lived side by side for centuries. four are under arrest in libya for the attack that killed the u.s. ambassador. we'll have the latest.
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welcome back. four suspects are under arrest inan the attack that killed the u.s. ambassador and three other americans. libyan officials say the man in custody did not have a direct role in the deaths of the americans. joining me now, joanna in tripoli this morning. explain the part that the suspects may have played in the attack if not directly involved. >> we're hearing different things from libyan officials. initially we heard from the libyan prime minister speaking on cnn a couple of nights ago that these arrests were made based on photographic evidence, pictures that were taken around the scene of the attack and they had witnesses come forward with names and that is how the arrests were made. but yesterday we heard from another senior libyan official saying that those men arrested
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had no direct involvement in the attack. they believed they have ties to the suspected extremist organization that may have carried out this attack and they are in for interrogation and trying to get through to who may have been involved through these guys and what links they may have had to that group. so really no direct links at this point. we are hearing that there might be more arrests that have taken place already today. >> and where does the investigation stand? what are u.s. officials saying? i understand the fbi was in libya. >> well, the libyan officials here are not confirming that the fbi is on the grounds in benghazi, but one thing is clear, the libyan government is insisting saying that they want the lead on this investigation. any arrests that take place, the libyans want to do it. this is also an issue of sovereignty here for a government that is trying not only to prove to the united states and the world that it is capable and struggling really to
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exert its influence, its authority over libya, but also for their own people. there has been a lot of criticism of authorities here. their inability to control the security situation. they said they will definitely cooperate with the united states, with the fbi team, if it is already on the ground, something we have not confirmed yet. >> yeah, this is a real test for the new government in libya and for those governments around that whole region. >> absolutely. in is a big thing. you need to look at it -- this is not an isolated incident. this is the latest in a series of attacks that we have seen take place in the eastern part of the country, specifically in the city of benghazi. there have been attacks on western targets there over recent months, and of course the security situation here does remain a real serious challenge for the government and newly elected government now needs to prove that it is able to control the situation. you know, this has had a real
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impact. the attack was a real severe blow to this government that is really trying to bring in foreign investment into this country, foreign companies into this country. yet it is unable from what we saw to prove to the world that it can protect its foreign guests here. >> thank you so much. appreciate the update from there. an old murder case suddenly in the spotlight again. we'll tell you about some new clues. , this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ >> announcer: meet tom, a proud dad whose online friends all "like" the photos he's posting. oscar likes tom's photos, but he loves the access to tom's personal information.
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an army doctor named jeffrey macdonald was convicted of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters in 1979. he is serving three consecutive life sentences although he still claims that he is innocent. now a new book raises doubts about whether macdonald got a fair trial. earlier i asked paul callan about the kasms. >> -- the case. >> it was a very clear cut case of guilt, and particularly after joe mcginnis wrote a very famous book about the case in which he concluded that macdonald was guilty beyond all doubt. a lot of people think macdonald is innocent. he was a princeton educated doctor who was a captain in the military and very highly regarded at the time and it seemed bizarre that he would kill his wife and children without really a clear motive. so it's very controversial. but the federal court is looking at it. there's some new evidence that he has presented saying
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prosecutors were aware that there was this witness that would be helpful to him. a woman in a floppy hat. supposedly was one of murderers. and he wasn't told about this and there's a decision called the brady decision that requires prosecutors to reveal this kind of information. so there's a handle here that the court could look at to give him a new trial. but it's hard to decide whether they will or not. it's a very old case. and it's been looked at, by the way, by a lot of courts. four appeals at least. it's already gone to the supreme court once and been upheld. >> what about errol morris? he's a very well-respected guy. he's known for being a really good digger. how much weight do you think he brings to the case? >> well, i think in terms of the court evaluating the evidence in the case, he doesn't bring any weight at all. because the only thing the court is going to look at is what was admitted in court and what prosecutors should have revealed to the defense. but in a bigger sense, i mean the reason we're talking about it and the reason a lot of
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people have been saying oh, i remember that macdonald case, let me take a second look at that. i was digging through the evidence last night because this was a fascinating case. as the public looks at it, if there's sort of public sentiment that he was treated unfairly, and that kind of has an impact on the court in an indirect way, and, you know, he was convicted on the basis of blood analysis and fiber analysis and a lot of things. now, this is back in the '70s and the '80s. technology has radically changed since then. >> yes, definitely. >> so what was thought to be a clear cut case based on that evidence back then, when you look at it now, it might not be so clear. >> right. we've seen that happen already in cases with this improved dna. morris has blamed the media coverage of the case. have you seen that before? could that have actually played a role in macdonald's conviction? >> yes. and i do think that it played an enormous role, not so much in
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his actual conviction before the jury. i think the press coverage -- there was a lot of press coverage at the time of the trial. mcginnis goes out and writes these books about crimes, infamous crimes. and he befriends himself with the accused and basically macdonald i think thought mcginnis was going to help him when he wrote the book. when mcginnis wrote the book, he said are you kidding me? this guy is so guilty it's not beyond reasonable doubt, it's beyond all doubt. kind of after that book was written, that was the end for macdonald. nobody took him seriously anymore. he lost a lot of supporters. and had the bk gone the other way and said this is a very doubtful case, maybe people would have taken a second look at the case. so i think the press can influence these cases. and i think the macdonald case is an example. >> that was cnn legal contributor paul callan.
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richard herman will weigh in on the same case next hour. an italian magazine says it plans in a 26-page spread to publish more topless photos of the duchess of cambridge. in the meantime, its sister publication in france is in legal hot water. palace officials say they have launched proceedings citing invasion of privatesy. they published grainy photos of the duchess half naked while vacationing in the south of france. the editor defended its action. >> what they're arguing is they are just doing their job and this is just a young romantic couple and the images -- they don't really understand all the fuss. that's what the editor said. they also said they took the picture from a road, which is a public place and you can do that. >> the royal couple is in southeast asia this weekend on an official tour. a university professor breast-feeds her child in class, and the move is stirring a whole lot of controversy. we'll tell you why.
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an american university professor is facing serious backlash for breast-feeding her baby in class. she doesn't see it as inappropriate. >> reporter: assistant professor adrien pine is starting her first year at american university. she normally leaves her daughter lee at a washington daycare while at work, but on the first day of classes, her daughter woke up with a slight fever. >> i didn't have any emergency daycare and couldn't bring her to the regular daycare, and so i was faced with this really difficult choice of being there for my students, which to me as a professional is the most
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important thing for me to do, or taking care of my daughter. and the only way that i could do both of during her class of 40 students, her daughter began getting fussy. she was hungry. so pine, who says she has nursed her daughter at other public places, including parks and airplanes, even several locations on campus, breast-fed her daughter during class. >> well, i very discreetly fed her. i don't believe that any part of my breast really was showing. i don't think my nipple was showing. and in any case, the most important for me was feeding her, and within a couple of minutes, she fell asleep. >> reporter: one student, jay care yis, was shocked. later tweeting, sex, gender, and professional walked through the class with her baby, and midway, breast-feeding time.
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>> the ta would have came into the class, red the syllabus, gave us an explanation as to why she wasn't there and her class would have left early and nobody would have complained. there would have been no problems at all. a professor missing a class on occasion is perfectly normal. there's nothing wrong with that. so i just kind of -- she kind of blew it up, in the wrong way. >> reporter: pine lashed out at a university student reporter in a scathing blog. she was writing an article about what happened. but pine insists her intention was never to be what she calls a breast-feeding activist. recently groups have staged nursing sit-ins like this one, where 600 women gathered at the nation's capital to demystify breast-feeding. student reaction on american universities campus was mixed. >> i didn't think she was trying to be like, oh, look what i can do. i thought she was just feeding her child. >> for the first day of class, i think it was probably a little inappropriate. >> i understand it's a natural thing and a part of human nature, but we're not used to that, and especially as college students, who have probably never had a child.
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>> reporter: pine says there's a much larger issue here, that there are tough choices, particularly for working mothers. many who grapple with how to balance work demands with a sick child. >> if i would have bottle fed my daughter, i would not have been attacked for that. and, you know -- and i think, also, what that shows us is that despite the fact that women are encouraged to work in the outside workplace, and not in the home workplace, which is also a workplace, it's still considered a masculine atmosphere. if a male professor brought his child to class, the response would be, how sweet! how cute! how fatherly of him. whereas, as a woman, when i do that, you know, i get attacked. >> i asked adrienne pine if the situation were the same, would she do it again? she says, probably not, that she just didn't expect this kind of backlash. she says, though, she has learned that people are still squeamish about public breast-feeding and she hopes this begins a new conversation
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about the need for adequate child care options for working parents. lisa sylvester, cnn, washington. >> i'll tell you, that story is certainly creating a bit of a firestorm on twitter. a lot of folks are -- >> a lot of discussion. >> in so many different formats. fascinating. >> so fredricka is here and she'll take over at the top of the hour. what do you have coming up? >> beginning with our legal guys, we always love to see them and hear from them. in o noon eastern hour, we'll talk about a case involving hooters restaurant. in this case, a couple of customers received their repeat and scrawled on it is an ethnic slur. and so at least one of the customers is suing hooters, so the question is, should a restaurant be held accountable for the actions of its employees? that employee, who allegedly wrote that slur, is no longer working there. but hooters has a comment or two about how it should be able to proceed. and that it doesn't reflect, in large part, what they are tolerating within the confines
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of their businesses. >> that's an interesting one. >> it really is. and then, there's new confusion over cancer screenings for women. whether it be in the form of pap smears or mammograms. our dr. sue jatha ready is going to be along to hopefully dispel or clarify some of the confusion that's erupted from new studies on that. and you know while prince harry has been in afghanistan, with his brush with danger, the royals are also dealing with another issue of privacy. >> oh, yeah. >> this being those photographs involving princess kate middleton and she along with her husband there, the pictures are from malaysia, while they continue to be if the far east. however, the issue is about those photographs involving, you know, her being topless while in france and the lawsuit and the dialogue that is now also growing about, you know, the issues of privacy. when do you ever have a private moment, even if you are high-profile like the royals.
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>> if you're a duchess, it's tough. >> even in the confines of your home that you're renting, which is their case there in the south of france. all of that straight ahead. and stick with us through the day. >> all day, keep it right here. >> i will do that, after my nap. >> squeeze in a 15-minute nap. >> exactly. forget super sizing your drink in new york city, another bold health initiative from michael bloomberg has just passed, prompting the question, will the nation follow? a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety.
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the anti-sugar rush is on in new york city. the city just approved a ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces. and the move is putting more focus than ever on mayor michael bloomberg and what many critics have dubbed his nanny state. here's cnn's david ariosto. >> i, michael r. bloomberg, do solemnly swear. >> reporter: gotham's three-term mayor has pushed bold health initiatives before. new york was one of the first big cities to ban smoking in bars and restaurants. later, city parks and beaches became smoke free. in the years since, many states have adopted some form of a smoking ban, and mayor michael bloomberg is also credited with helping start the trend. >> in general, his early initiatives were quite successful. now he's entered into an area that's much more controversial in terms of the regulation of food and what people eat in this
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campaign against obesity. >> reporter: among those controversial regulations, a ban on trans fats in restaurants. and a requirement by some restaurants to post calorie counts. controversial at the time, mcdonald's now says next week it plans to put calorie info on its menus nationwide. the ban on sugary drinks, the first of its kind, restricts beverages to 16 ounces in restaurants and other venues. >> this is the single biggest step any city, i think, has ever taken to curb obesity, but certainly not the last step that lots of cities are going to take, and we believe that it will help save lives. >> reporter: it is yet another policy win for the new york city mayor. but for some, including comedian jon stewart, the idea may be hard to swallow. >> i'm sorry, i'm still adjusting to life under mayor bloomberg's new soda restrictions. >> reporter: if like the ski
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